Check your balance as often as you like, with earnings compounded and posted daily.
If you’ve got a target in mind, make it clear and we’ll help you get there.
Set up automatic transfers and you’ll be growing without knowing.
Important info about this calculator
Yes, you can get started with a minimum of $5. We want to make saving accessible for everyone!
Enjoy freedom, flexibility and feeling good about 5.95% p.a. in targeted returns. Choose Blossom Save if:
You can make a withdrawal request at any time through your account on the web, iOS or Android app. It can be all or part of your investment in the Fund. A minimum $5 account balance is required, otherwise you may need to make a full withdrawal.
Blossom Save withdrawal requests made prior to 4pm Sydney time on a business day will generally be processed for same-day payment (subject to banking and payment systems). Withdrawal requests made after that time will be processed for payment the following business day (subject to banking and payment systems).
Redeeming your savings may give you taxable gains, depending on your individual circumstances. Please refer to the PDS to learn more about how fixed income funds are taxed.
Please also refer to the PDS to learn more about how the law and the Fund Constitution have to allow for possible suspensions of redemptions and even for extended delays but we think that is unlikely.
We want to make saving simple, affordable and accessible for everyone. Blossom does not charge sign up fees, transfer or withdrawals fees. That means you will not be charged to move money in or out of your Blossom account.
Please note that while the Blossom Fund Constitution permits fees to be charged, these have been waived. To learn about how Blossom makes money, read "How does Blossom make money". For more information regarding Blossom’s fees, please also read the PDSs.